Publish date: 28 October 2022

Leaders from across the health and care system came together to shape the future of health and care in Kent and Medway.

Representatives from NHS organisations, local authorities and the voluntary and community sectors took part in a symposium to improve the health and care system now and for generations to come. 

The event focused on four key areas, which will influence future strategies, including:

  • research and innovation
  • health inequalities
  • economic and shared prosperity
  • early help and prevention.

Cllr Alan Jarrett, Leader at Medway Council, and Cllr Roger Gough, Leader at Kent County Council, shared their vision for partnership working across Kent and Medway. 

More than 100 stakeholders engaged in a panel led by voluntary organisations, including Involve Kent, employment charity CXK, Carers’ Support East Kent, Kent Equality Cohesion Council and Social Enterprise Kent (SEK). 

Since Kent and Medway Integrated Care System (ICS) was established in July, the NHS, councils, and other partners have been working together to plan and deliver health and care services in the area. 

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(Pictured: Cedi Frederick, Cllr Roger Gough and Cllr Alan Jarrett.)

Recognising the wider determinants of health, the ICS strategy will include strategies already developed by Kent County Council and Medway Council, reflecting the commitment to build a local economy to be more productive, sustainable and inclusive. 

The strategy will also reflect the system’s commitment to reducing health inequalities by improving social inclusion, community safety, wellbeing and housing, as well as ensuring young people get the best possible start in life.

Cedi Frederick, Chair at NHS Kent and Medway, said: “The health and care symposium has been a massive success and we’d like to extend our thanks to our system partners for joining us here today. 

“The health and wellbeing of everyone living in Kent and Medway is impacted by many things, such as housing, jobs, education, and access to green spaces. 

“Not all of these are influenced by services the NHS provides. To improve the health and wellbeing of everyone, we need to work together. We are better together.

“Now is the time for us to all work together to support our communities. Every organisation in the room has a contribution to make to what help us achieve our goals moving forward. 

“We want to do things differently to improve the health and wellbeing of our people and by working in partnership, together we can.”