Responsive, sustainable healthcare with equity of access and outstanding patient experience and outcomes for everyone in Kent and Medway.
NHS organisations in Kent and Medway, that's NHS Kent and Medway (the Integrated Care Board [ICB]) and all NHS provider trusts, have produced the Kent and Medway NHS Strategy 2024/25-2029/30.
This strategy, approved by all local NHS organisation's boards in November and December 2024, recognises the challenges NHS organisations in Kent and Medway can best address together and, unlike the Kent and Medway Integrated Care Strategy, focuses only on healthcare services.
It does not replace any of the NHS organisations' organisational strategies, nor does it seek to replicate the work of provider collaboratives or health and care partnerships.
In summary
All NHS organisations know we can achieve more collectively, rather than individually, to meet the health needs of our population and the Kent and Medway NHS Strategy outlines our ambition and vision for NHS services of the future.
It will guide our way to equitable, sustainable and responsive healthcare.

The Kent and Medway NHS Strategy is built on our shared NHS values of:
- Working together for patients
- Patients come first in everything that we do
- Respect and dignity
- Commitment to quality of care
- Compassion
- Improving lives
- Everyone counts.
Our Kent and Medway NHS Strategy has four strategic themes that guide where we put our collective effort:
- Patient experience, access and outcomes
- People
- Sustainable services
- Finance and resources.
Our key enablers supporting the delivery of the Kent and Medway NHS Strategy and its objectives are:
- System development, culture and improvement
- Strategy, delivery and architecture
- Communications and engagement.