About Thanet Women's Health Hub 

Thanet Women’s Health Hub has been developed by Thanet CIC and is open to women living in Thanet or who are registered with a GP practice in Thanet.

The hub aims to make it easier for women to access a range of services from contraception to menopause support.  

You can refer yourself to the Thanet Women’s Health Hub directly by emailing kmicb.womanshealth.th@nhs.net or calling 01843 609360, or you can ask your GP to refer you. 

More details about each of the services available through the hub can be found on this page.

The hub provides both fitting and removal of Long Acting Removable Contraceptives (LARC).

This is either a hormonal coil, a non-hormonal coil, or an implant under the skin.

LARC is just one form of contraception that the hub can provide.

We also offer a wider range of services for both contraceptive and gynaecological purposes, including oral contraceptives and contraceptive patches.

We also offer contraceptive counselling, which enables you to explore, with a trained clinician, the best contraceptive solutions for you.

We will provide you with information regarding risks and the side effects of each form of contraception.

You can self-refer to access contraceptive services via the hub by emailing kmicb.womanshealth.th@nhs.net or calling 01843 609360, or you can ask your GP to refer you.

Our hub provides a pessary fitting and removal service. 

This service is for women who are experiencing pelvic organ prolapse. 

This occurs when one or more of the organs in the pelvis (womb, bladder or bowel) slip down from their normal position and bulge into the vagina.

A pessary helps to support the organs, relieving the discomfort. 

You can read more about pelvic organ prolapse on NHS England’s website

You can self-refer to pessary services at the Thanet Women’s Health hub by emailing kmicb.womanshealth.th@nhs.net or calling 01843 609360, or you can ask your GP to refer you.

Thanet Women’s Health Hub provides assessment, treatment and support for issues you may be experiencing with the menopause.

We provide both individual appointments and group clinic sessions which provide an opportunity for you to share your experience with other women.

Our clinicians will discuss your options with you, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and non-hormonal options. 

This can include a discussion about your lifestyle and mental health, which may be contributing to your symptoms. 

The consultation may involve taking bloods to check your hormone levels. 

You can self-refer to menopause services at the Thanet Women’s Health hub by emailing kmicb.womanshealth.th@nhs.net or calling 01843 609360, or you can ask your GP to refer you.

Thanet Women’s Health Hub provides cervical screening service for women who are due and overdue cervical screening.

Cervical screening is offered every three years for women in the 25-49 year age group. It is offered every five years for women in the 50-64 year age group.

Women receive an NHS letter inviting them to make an appointment at their GP practice.

If you have a letter requesting to book an appointment for cervical screening or know/think you are overdue on your screening contact the Thanet Women’s Health hub by emailing kmicb.womanshealth.th@nhs.net or calling 01843 609360

Thanet Women’s Health hub can provide assessment, treatment and support for women who are experiencing menstrual problems.

This may include heavy, painful or irregular menstrual bleeding and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). 

We can also provide care for conditions such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

You can self-refer to Thanet Women’s Health Hub for menstrual problems you are experiencing by emailing kmicb.womanshealth.th@nhs.net or calling 01843 609360, or you can ask your GP to refer you.

Thanet Women’s health hub provides support for women who are thinking of having a baby.

This support is called pre-conception care; care before pregnancy to improve the long and short term health outcomes for women and their children.

It can include advice about lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol, drugs and diet.

It can also include a holistic assessment of your overall health, genetic risk factors, and experience of previous pregnancy.

There’s also information about planning for pregnancy on www.nhs.uk and on the Kent and Medway Bump, Birth and Beyond website.

You can self-refer to Thanet Women’s Health Hub for pre-conception care by emailing kmicb.womanshealth.th@nhs.net or calling 01843 609360, or you can ask your GP to refer you.

Thanet Women’s Health Hub provides a service for women who are experiencing breast pain and other symptoms. 

Our clinicians provide assessments to identify what may be causing your breast pain before discussing treatment and follow-up options with you. 

The assessment will include identifying whether your breast pain is linked to your menstrual cycle or not.

If you are suffering with breast pain or have other health concerns about you breasts, you can self-refer to Thanet Women’s Health Hub’s breast pain assessment service by emailing kmicb.womanshealth.th@nhs.net or calling 01843 609360, or you can ask your GP to refer you.

Thanet Women’s Health Hub provides both screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV screening.

STIs are common and are normally passed on through sexual contact.

Our clinician will assess your symptoms to diagnose whether or not you may have an STI. 

You may need to undergo tests and a physical examination. 

Tests can include a urine sample, blood tests or a swab.

Once diagnosed, we will discuss treatment options with you and provide that treatment or signpost you to a local specialist clinic.

Common STIs include:
•    chlamydia
•    gonorrhoea
•    genital warts
•    genital herpes
•    pubic lice
•    syphilis
•    HIV

You can self-refer to Thanet Women’s Health Hub for pre-conception care by emailing kmicb.womanshealth.th@nhs.net or calling 01843 609360, or you can ask your GP to refer you.

You can read more about STIs on www.nhs.uk

You can also find information about and access to local sexual health services through Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust’s website