1. DSD criteria for acceptance
Individual must:
- Have a diagnosis of learning disability or autism (or both) or on the pathway for diagnosis
- Have exhausted Local Offer
- Be between 10 and 25 years old
- Reside full time within Kent and Medway
- Have a professional network e.g., Social Work or Early Help or CAMHS
And must be at risk of:
- Tier 4 admission, or
- 52-week placement breakdown, or
- Detention in the criminal justice system, with forensic involvement
2. Complete the initial referral form
Complete the initial referral form online.
N.B: Professionals who already have an eDSD login can sign into their account and complete a new referral.
- Consent: The referrer must seek the consent of the individual or parent/carer before completing the initial referral form.
- Demographic information: Full name, date of birth, address, contact details.
- NHS number: Unique identifier for the individual.
- Diagnosis: Details of the diagnosed condition (learning disability, autism (or both) or on waiting list for assessment).
- Reasons for making the referral: Details of the current issues that initiated the referral and an indicative RAG rating from the professional’s point of view.
- Submit the form online.
3. Post-submission process
- Acknowledgment: An email will be sent confirming receipt of the referral.
- Triaging: The referral will be reviewed by a practice consultant from the Dynamic Support Service within 48 working hours.
- Meeting arrangement: The practice consultant will arrange a meeting with the referrer to discuss the referral in detail after which the DSD criteria (as above) will be applied.
- Decision notification: The referrer will be notified of the decision following consultation.
4. Responsibilities of the referrer (if referral accepted onto DSD)
- Provide additional information: The referrer must complete the full referral form within 48 hours of acceptance onto the DSD. The full referral form provides additional information about the individual being referred and their support needs.
- Case management: The referrer should be actively involved in the case management, ensuring all assigned actions are completed.
- Regular updates: The referrer must provide regular updates on the referred individual’s progress and any changes in their condition/situation.
5. Data Protection
- Confidentiality: All personal information provided will be kept confidential and used solely for the purpose of assessing and providing support to the individual and/or their family.
- Data storage: Information will be stored securely in accordance with data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
- Access control: Only authorised staff will have access to the information provided.
- Data retention: Personal data will be retained only for as long as is necessary to provide the required support and in compliance with legal requirements.
- Rights of individuals: Individuals have the right to access their personal data, request corrections, and withdraw consent for data processing at any time.
6. Consent for sharing information with other agencies
- Purpose of sharing: Information may be shared with other agencies to ensure comprehensive support and coordination of services.
- Safeguarding: Network professionals can share information of significant concern (children) or serious concern (adult) to the appropriate service.
- Revoking consent: Individuals have the right to revoke their consent to be on the Dynamic Support Database and sharing information at any time. However, this will have the (un)intended consequence of terminating the involvement of the Dynamic Support Service.
7. Involving other professionals
- Professional involvement: Other professionals from the Dynamic Support Service (e.g., behaviour team, advocates, occupational therapist) may become involved where the Practice Consultant believes it will be beneficial to the wellbeing of the referred individual and or family.
- Collaborative approach: Other professionals (e.g., CAMHS, SENCo) may also be involved to assess and develop a coordinated support plan.
- Regular communication: Regular communication will be maintained with involved professionals to ensure implementation of the coordinated support plan.
- Meetings: All meetings with professionals will be recorded on the eDSD.
8. Follow-up and support
- Responsibility for active involvement: If accepted, the referrer will have the responsibility of setting up multi-agency meetings. This is because the practice consultant and other professionals within the Dynamic Support Service are not caseholders.
- Ongoing support: The referred individual will receive ongoing support as per the agreed support plan.
- Review meetings: Regular review meetings will be scheduled to assess the effectiveness of the support and any adjustments that may be needed.
9. Step aside (down) or step up
- Withdrawal of support: Withdrawing intensive support and monitoring for the referred individual may become necessary where the individual no longer requires DSS support. Withdrawal is normally through a stepped process i.e:
- Red=>Amber
- Amber=>Green
- Green=>Archive.
However, the sequence can change depending on individual need.
- Step up: The referred individual can also be stepped up the RAG rating where the support plan is not working and the crisis is escalating.